Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Good states of mind

I must confess that I am mostly baffled by the philosophy of G.E. Moore – its structure, its argumentation make very little sense to me. So, when I have hijacked some of his conclusions, I think I make some violence to them: they are specific conclusions, getting their full meaning from a specific context. So, when I posit, not as objective good but as a central goal in life to have “good states of mind” through art, friendship, love and pursuit of understanding (the last one my addition), I mean something different and more superficial than Moore. I suspect that my ethics are more traditional, more closely related to Christianity and liberalism than his quite ethereal, unworldly concerns. 

This is of course not to say that it was not a stern ethical system, it was, but to repeat the same kind of semi-critical observations that Keynes made in his memorable reminiscenses in the late 1930's of how Moore and Principia Ethica affected early Bloomsbury. This said, I do share some of Moore's main conclusions and do measure my life against them among others. And that brings us interesting vistas.

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